Nottingham’s local authorities, local projects and agencies dealing with Climate Change
Here are some organisations local to Nottingham that can offer advice and support with Climate Change, ranging across all different areas from energy support to growing your own food.
exists to connect and empower black, Asian minority ethnic groups, giving them the platform to be able to bring their voices & ideas to the forefront.
Beeston Wildlife Group is one of the branches of Notts Wildlife Trust.
Breathless in Nottingham campaigns about the incincerator planned for the Ratcliffe-on-Soar site
Climate Action Nottingham campaigns for political action in response to climate-related issues
Cycling Nottingham is concerned with all things to do with local cycling
Gedling Climate Change Group organise events, share resources and meet regularly to inform, explain and campaign about climate change.
Global Justice Nottingham is part of a national network. It campaigns for global climate justice. It co-ordinated local sustainability organisations as a COP26 hub that organised a march and rally on November 6 2020 and is planning future events.
Greenpeace Nottingham is the local branch of national Greenpeace, raising awareness in and around Nottingham of the pressing issues that threaten the planet, and organise campaigns.
Green Meadows is a lottery funded project aimed at providing local people with the knowledge and skills to become more resilient to Climate Change and reduce their carbon footprint in support of Nottingham’s CN2028 Charter.
Incredible Edible Beeston is part of a national network aiming to create ‘kind, confident and connected communities through the power of food’
MOZES (Meadows Ozone Energy Services) aims to reduce the Meadows’ carbon footprint, stimulate sustainable development and improve access to affordable energy
Nottingham Climate Assembly work on engaging people from all communities in responding to climate change. One approach will be to establish a Citizens’ Jury or Assembly representing all the residents of greater Nottingham
Nottingham Energy Partnership is a climate change charity and home improvement agency tackling fuel poverty, household energy efficiency and carbon emissions.
Nottingham Friends of the Earth is national FOE’s local branch, campaigning on a wide range of environmental issues.
Nottingham Global Justice Youth has similar aims to Global Justice Nottingham.
Nottingham Good Food Partnership supports policies which safeguard sustainable food growing and local spaces.
Nottingham Green Festival is an annual event showcasing the work of local sustainability organisations and projects.
Nottingham Green Quarter is a group interested in the proposal for a new Green Quarter to replace the half-demolished Broadmarsh shopping centre.
Nottingham Organic Gardeners is a group who ‘love growing food and flowers using sustainable methods. We want to show other people how easy it is.’
Nottinghamshire-Derbyshire Community Climate Action Network produces a monthly bulletin supported by 80 local community groups.
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is a conservation charity focusing on wildlife and biodiversity that work to reduce the impact of climate change.
Pedals are dedicated to making cycling in the Nottingham area safer and easier.
Plant.NG Wild works to plant and rewild local open spaces, and sustainable agriculture.
Plastic-Free Bingham is a group working to reduce the community’s contribution to the single-use plastic crisis. It collaborates with Surfers against Sewage.
Sherwood Community Food Gardens helps people grow food locally and sustainably.
Time is Now (Rushcliffe) is a group dedicated to engaging local politicians in reducing the impact of climate change on people and nature.
Wild.NG is a local organisation that aims to stimulate local action and volunteering for nature, across Nottingham’s green spaces.
Youthstrike4climate and Earth Justice Nottingham is a group created by and for young people, campaigning for climate justice.
XR (Extinction Rebellion) Nottingham is part of national XR, an organisation that campaigns for the truth about climate change to be known, for immediate action to reduce greenhouse gases and protect biodiversity, and to engage the public through a citizens assembly on climate and ecological justice.