What does it mean to retrofit a building?

Retrofitting is a popular term used to describe the process of enhancing the energy efficiency of buildings that are already constructed. This involves various techniques that aim to reduce heating costs, increase warmth retention, and integrate renewable energy sources.

As mentioned in ‘Why are UK homes energy inefficient?’, large-scale retrofit is needed across the UK to reduce carbon emissions and our reliance on fossil fuels.

In 2017, the Government’s ambitions for large-scale retrofit were set on all homes reaching EPC band C by 2035 - where cost effective, practical, and affordable. With only 29 per cent of homes meeting this standard today, it is fair to say that progress towards this target has been too slow.

Barriers often stand in the way of retrofit, such as delays in government funding, measures being too expensive, underinvestment in rental properties or homeowners deeming construction work more trouble than it’s worth.

It can be handy to break this down into the techniques and measures (home improvements used to increase energy efficiency) that can make a property more energy efficient – ranging from small changes, such as energy saving lighting and draught exclusion, to bigger changes, such as Air Source Heat Pumps and Solar PV.

To effectively retrofit your home, it is crucial to take a comprehensive approach that considers not only energy bills, but also factors such as aesthetics, heritage and maintenance upkeep. Each home is unique and deserves its own strategy to decide which measures work together and benefit your home the most.

Watch our video on retrofitting older properties below:

So, where do I start?

Here at Green Meadows, we offer Meadows Residents FREE ‘Future-Fit’ Home plans, which are tailored to your home and detail the changes you need to make to cut your energy bills.

You can view an example of a full plan here, or view a snapshot in the images below.

The Future Fit Home Plan is a guide designed to help you understand the needs of your home and know which materials and practices are suited to your type of property.

Taking a ‘whole-house approach’ means that the suggested measures are grouped to maximise effectiveness and minimise cost, ensuring each step is carried out in the most efficient order.

Meadows resident Mary received a free Future-Fit assessment in 2022.

Since then, Green Meadows have carried out over 70 free Future-Fit assessments in the Meadows. Click here to arrange your FREE assessment.

Watch the video below to find out more about Mary’s journey.


If you would like to read more about the measures used to retrofit a home and find out effective they are, click here.


Home Efficiency in the UK


Why are UK homes energy inefficient?