Seasonal Fruit and Veg
What does it mean to eat ‘seasonal’ fruit and veg?
Seasonal fruit and vegetables are those that grow naturally at each time of the year. Different fruit and vegetables prefer different conditions (temperature, rainfall, light, etc.). For example, tomatoes grow best during a long, hot summer. Brussels sprouts on the other hand taste sweetest after a frosty winter. Eating fruit and veg when they would naturally grow means less additional energy is needed: heated greenhouses, special lighting, pesticides, fertilisers, and watering. This can make food cheaper, healthier, tastier, and much better for the planet!
Here is a seasonal food calendar from Eat Seasonably, or take a look at this handy list from the Vegetarian Society.
Seasonal recipes from the Meadows Community
In October, we asked what you would cook with the seasonal vegetables: beetroot, cabbage and butternut squash.
The recipes submitted were from all over the world including a North African Squash Stew, Sauerkraut and Beetroot Biryani. This challenge really showed just how creative we can get with seasonal veg! Scroll down for all the recipes.