World Food Day 2023

World Food Day is a National Day appointed by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations. This year, the theme is Water is life, water is food.  Leave no one behind. 

“Water is essential to life on Earth. It makes up over 50% of our bodies and covers about  71% of the Earth's surface. Only 2.5% of water is fresh, suitable for drinking, agriculture, and most industrial uses. Water is a driving force for people, economies and nature and the foundation of our food. Indeed, agriculture accounts for 72% of global freshwater withdrawals, but like all natural resources, fresh water is not infinite.”  - Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations website

Visit the Meadows Public Library to see the new World Food Day display (13th - 27th of October), pick up some of our recommended books, or read more about the aim of World Food Day here.


Seasonal Fruit and Veg


How Food Choice Effects Climate and the Environment